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Useful Links



If you want VAT leaflets, HMRC is the place. But with VAT, above all else, take great care. It is not a logical tax. And the answer to nearly every “simple” VAT query is “It depends…”.









Charity Commission

The Charity Commission for England and Wales regulates registered charities in England and Wales and maintains the Central Register of Charities. It produces guidance for trustees and runs an online register. Charities need to abide by charity law (under the Charities Act 2011.   

Charities do not pay tax on most income and gains if used for charitable purposes .                                To get tax relief you must be recognised by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).









A common question asked of us is “What bookkeeping system do you recommend?” We’ve had experience of virtually all of the most popular systems, and we believe Xero is the best. It’s very simple to use, a modest price and – best of all – because it uses Cloud technology, we can access the same screen as you. No need to panic if you think you’ve made an error; a quick phone call to us and we can put your mind at ease.

Rest assured, however, that whatever system you use, we can work with. If it works for you, then it works for us.

Of course, bookkeeping systems aren’t always the best option for every business. Give us a quick ring and we can assess exactly what system will suit you best. It may just be the case that spreadsheets are more appropriate, and we’d be happy to share our templates with you.










Companies House

You can get brief details of Limited Companies for free. This will at least tell you if a company is behind with its accounts. The cut-down version of the accounts that “small” companies file reveal next to nothing. You can also search for disqualified directors, and there are links to sites where you can see if your killer web address is still available.

There are also, of course, the usual range of helpful leaflets




H M Revenue & Customs

The new combined department has a new web site. Or, to be more accurate, it has cobbled together the two old sites. It is still, whatever they say, two separate departments. And it shows in the way information is presented. HMRC does try very hard to provide help and information, but you probably do need to have some idea of what you’re looking for before you start. However, Revenue leaflets are generally well written, and are a good introduction to a topic. If you feel brave, the text of many of the Revenue’s own guidance manuals are also available (except for some sensitive bits). But they are not for the fainthearted. The “setting up in business” section is very detailed – but shows its teeth. Register – or get penalised!









Not the most intuitive web address – but probably the best Currency exchange site around. Current and historic rates are at










The AA

Yes, it really does cost that much to run a car. Console yourself with a holiday – routes and hotels available.












We would all like to receive full tax relief on the purchase of our new [insert make of favourite sports car here]. Sadly, that is unlikely to happen. Explaining the different allowances available would likely result in your eyes glazing over before the first paragraph was complete, but we’d be more than happy to discuss them over the phone or face-to-face. In short, it is largely dependent upon emissions (as expected, the lower the better). If you want to see your vehicle’s emissions, or you simply can’t remember when your road tax is due (we’ve all been there), use the DVLA



Useful Places

Some of the sites we use regularly are listed below:

Companies House Forms
  • AA01 Change of accounting reference date

  • AA02 Dormant Company Accounts

  • AD01 Change of registered office address

  • AD02 Notification of single alternative inspection location (SAIL)

  • AD03 Change of location of the company records to the single alternative inspection location (SAIL)

  • AD04 Change of location of the company records to the registered office


  • AP01 Appointment of director

  • AP02 Appointment of corporate director

  • AP03 Appointment of secretary

  • AP04 Appointment of corporate secretary

  • TM01 Termination of appointment of director

  • TM02 Termination of appointment of secretary



  • CH01 Change of director’s details
  • CH02 Change of corporate director’s details

  • CH03 Change of secretary’s details

  • CH04 Change of corporate secretary’s details


  • AR01 Annual Return

  • DS01 Striking off application by a company

  • DS02 Withdrawal of striking off application by a company

  • IN01 Application to register a company


  • NM01 Notice of change of name by resolution

  • Res CA2006 Special resolution on change of name

  • Written Res CA2006 Written special resolution on change of name

  • SH01 Return of allotment of shares

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